Go Goal Fitness 位於元朗中心,鄰近元朗西鐵站約5分鍾路程,而且更位於大棠輕鐵站對面,交通便捷。適合附近居住或上班的人士前來減壓、修身。
我們的課程內容多元化,為學員定期更新課堂內容。課程包括︰泰拳、空中瑜珈、TRX、功能性訓練等。本中心以小班教學為主,可靈活因應學員的能力而設計更適合課堂,務求學員以最快的時間達致他們的Keep Fit 目的。
Fun, friendly and energetic dance school in the centre of Tung Chung, offering classes around Hong Kong with wide range of programs for children and adults of all age and abilities.
Simple Life 健身工作室將給你一個高度私密的運動環境,讓你告別其它健身房等待器械的隊列和旁人不友善的目光。在這裡,你可以自由而專注地接受工作室專屬的瑜伽及健身專家的悉心指導。只需說出你的需求,我們就會盡全力幫你獲得期待已久的成果。
我們相信愉快的思維模式與健康的形體狀態是同等重要的。Simple Life是首家除運動和瑜珈課程以外,更提供心理輔導和催眠治療綜合服務的專業機構,全面照顧你在身體和心理方面的需求。
Anytime Fitness is the world’s largest gym franchise with over 3,600 clubs and 2 million members worldwide.
Our members enjoy 24-hour access, 7-days per week to our conveniently located neighborhood gyms. And on top of that, your membership doesn’t only open the doors to your own club, but to every one of our clubs around the world.
Here in Hong Kong we currently have four clubs. Our members really trust our surprisingly personable service because we are committed to helping all people, no matter of their shape or size, get to a healthier place.